Acabe de comprar uns auriculars inalambrics i mentres estava escoltant un podcast s’interumpia l’audició i un altre audio em deia que a no sé a qui li agradava la foto que jo acabava de penjar a Instagram. I és que constantment estem sentim piulades, beeps i alarmes del mòbil que ens requereixen a fer alguna cosa. Tot i que decidim no contestar a certs missatges , programar els enviaments o desactivar les notificacions, els constants renous al mòbil ens fan estar sempre alerta. Encara que pareix que son coses nocives, amb el temps ens adonem que no. Hi ha un cost en aquestes distraccions i hi ha un preu que paguem: fragmentació, cansanci i ansietat. No podem estar connectats les 24 hores al telèfon i menys en temes relacionats amb el treball. Entre els consells que ens donen per evitar tot açò, destaquen els següents : no tenir xarxes socials, no contestar enseguida als correus, no pensar durant la resta del temps d’oci en les activitats que no hem acabat durant el dia, etcetera. Per altra part, ha sortit un nou concepte que es diu “deep work” o “enfocament”. Aquest no és més que aïllar-se en un lloc sense distraccions i treballar. Carl Newport ens diu que hi ha gent com Carl Yung, Mark Twain o J.K.Rowling que van adoptar aquesta sèrie d’ hàbits a l’hora de treballar . Aquest “enfocament” ha resultat no sols en ser més productius sinó feliços. Igual deuríem començar a saber desconectar. Àudio
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dissabte, 27 de novembre del 2021
dilluns, 22 de novembre del 2021
Review: “ My sweet orange tree”
My sweet orange tree” is a 2012 Brazilian film based on the novel of the same name which was written by the prolific author José Mauro de Vascounalos.
When an eight year-old boy, Zezé, realises that the only means to escape from a humble house and alcoholic father is to use his imagination and storytelling ability, he does not hesitate to do it. It is by talking to trees and later on to a grown-up that he finds relief.
No sooner had the first scene started that I already knew it would make me cry a river and cling to my armchair. The film starts with a big long shot where two unaccompanied brothers ramble in an open field. This very fact depicts in a detailed way the labour and suffering we are about to experience. Not only did the scenery remind me of my own childhood but also contributed to creating a stifling atmosphere.
The cast is nothing but superb. Suffice to say that the minor, Joao Ávila, gives the solid performance required to make this memorable watch and deserves the highest praise. Were this a professional Hollywood production, he would have won the Oscar for Best Actor.
Likewise, the flawless performance of the supporting actor, José de Abreu, is thoroughly convincing. He totally captures this sense of authenticity by playing the role of Zezé’s best friend without being an indulgent father but a human being that just listens attentively without being judgemental.
With very little money and magnificent work behind the camera, this film is technically impressive. It shows with great accuracy the reality and bright colours of the Brazilian landscape.
Even though the production is totally dramatic, it remains true to the book. In fact, the director has truly transmitted the writer’s intention of being loyal to the child’s voice.
In conclusion, without any doubt whatsoever, it is a coming of age story worth watching. You will get hooked on it from the beginning.